
LABOUR_JOVAN_240530_Martin Suker_5DS_9580_1_MR

Jovan’s Campaign Launch

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Jovan Selected for Clacton

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A review of Political Activities


Don’t lose your vote!


Thank you from John Carrington

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Christmas Window with Clacton Creatives

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Renaming of the Clacton Labour Office to Margaret Bondfield House

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Clacton Together Campaign Report


Thank you Sheila

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Pam Cox, who will be the Labour candidate for Colchester at the next general election, recently came to a meeting of the Clacton Labour Party.

Pam Cox Visits Clacton

Pam Cox, who will be the Labour candidate for Colchester at the next general election, recently came to a meeting of the Clacton Labour Party.
In this issue we address the new website, announce guest speakers, and update you on how the clacton carnival went.

August 2023 Newsletter

In this issue we address the new website, announce guest speakers, and update you on how the clacton carnival went.
In this edition we update you on the local election results, our social events, our campaign experiences.

June 2023 Newsletter

In this edition we update you on the local election results, our social events, our campaign experiences.